St Mina and the Battle of El Alamein

St Mina was a soldier. So when it came time for the biggest and most decisive war in human history, World War II, he stepped in.

To surprisingly little knowledge of almost everyone, including the history books, St Mina played a key role in the course of World War 2. In fact, the turning point of the war was the battle in which he interjected, to turn the tide of the war in favor of the allies. That battle was the battle of Alamein, which was fought over sacred land, the land where St Mina himself is buried, and where today stands a huge monastery in his name. The land of Mariut in the western dessert of Egypt, just west of Alexandria, is very close to Alamein where the decisive battle was fought and where St Mina’s Monastery is located.

The article below describes information that was gathered from different sources, including direct quotes from General Montgomery, whom St Mina appeared to in a dream just before the decisive battle. It also describes my own personal experience during a visit to Berlin in late 90’s.

St Mina is named the Wonder Worker because of his many miracles. He is venerated in the Coptic Church as one of the great saints of this ancient and glorious church. St Mina is much loved by Pope Kyrillos, the 116th pope of Alexandria, and a wonder-worker himself with countless miracles that, to this day, fill hundreds of books.

Friend of St Mina & Pope Kyrillos

St Mina and the Battle of El Alamein

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